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Capeweed Control?

Unlike many people, I am not totally adverse to Capeweed in my paddocks.  For me it serves many functions: covering bare soil, a nutrient accumulator, a soil aerator, bee forage - the list goes on.  Like with most things, there needs to be a balance and this year there were areas of the farm that had more Capeweed than I liked. Imagine my surprise when I found out what a wonderful source of chicken feed it is.

A tale of two paddocks - effects of Capeweed control with chickens having grazed on the right.

As can be seen in the photo above, the right hand side is where I have been grazing the Pasture Raised Chickens through this Autumn/Winter period.  The chickens have no doubt found this 'weed' to be a great source of food and in turn provided the balance needed on the land.

The are three traditional answers to the control of Capeweed, spray, spray and spray.  Wouldn't grazing chickens on this resource while receiving a tremendous amount of chicken meat and eggs in return be a better alternative?

I think so!  :)