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The Start Of Something Eggcellent

Mobility is an essential management method of our livestock.  Cows followed by chickens are constantly shifted across the farm - they graze and then move on, giving the area left behind a long period of rest to regrow. I have been searching for the right vehicle (pardon the pun) to introduce egg laying chickens into the system for quite some time and now we have it!


This old caravan will be the new home for a pastured egg operation to begin in 2014!  This 18 ft oldie has seen better days and it was an adventure getting it home (note there is now no door in the picture), but she is water proof and the undercarriage is in good condition too.  What I need to do next is strip the inside and fit it out with some chicken furniture like roosts, laying boxes and drinkers.

I can't wait to get this started, but more importantly, to make pasture raised eggs available to our customers.