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Forest Regeneration With Pigs

The forest regeneration practice with our Berkshire pigs is now in full swing and I have to admit that the results have been better than I expected. It was about six weeks ago that we brought our pigs into a new area that was infested with blackberry weeds.

I spread grain in and around the blackberries to encourage their natural ploughing habits where it was needed most and had some great results.


Now after a month and a half, I am pleased to announce the area is now blackberry free!



I know for many that the above may look rather destructive, however this level of disturbance will allow the land to heal.  The weeds can no longer choke the grass.  The wallows created by the pigs will harvest water and allow it to be absorbed into the soil.   It is important to note that there has been significant summer heat in between the taking of the above photos too.  I will be adding some additional seeds to the area once the pigs are moved and providing updates of the progress through the new year.

It is worth taking the time to consider the typical agricultural practice to resolve this problem.  Thousands of dollars in spraying equipment needs to be purchased, herbicides need to be purchased and then sprayed over the land ... I find this a much better solution.  Channelling the natural behaviours of animals to heal land and perhaps, on a much larger collective scale, also feed the world.