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Dine By Webcam

I came across an article which presented a new craze in South Korea where people watch others eat via web cam.  Dishes are presented and then eaten by the host while they interact with their online guests.  Titled as gastronomic voyeurism, viewers apparently felt satisfaction to see so much food when on a diet or they were simply tired of eating alone and felt the need for company. Very peculiar - the few people I mentioned this to were amused at first, as was I, but the more I thought about it, the sadder I felt.  I remember an interview Michael Pollan gave when promoting his new book 'Cooked'.  He mentioned that ratings of cooking shows had gone through the roof and yet the amount of cooking carried out within the home had fallen dramatically.  How can this be?  Michael expressed that current generations still have memories of their parents and grandparents cooking food; the magical transformation of raw materials turning into a delicious dish to dazzle the senses.  Modern day life seems to leave little time for home cooked meals and so cooking shows have filled this void.

We have never been so technologically connected as we are today and yet we have never felt more alone.  It makes me wonder what the next generations memories or regard for food will be.

I understand that every meal can't be a Sunday roast, but let's do whatever we can, however big or small, to make the most of each meal.

I for one will cook most of my meals at home, I will ask a friend or family member to join in whenever possible and most importantly, I will continue to cook with one hand while I hold my daughter in the other, just so she can watch the beautiful transformation of raw ingredients become life enriching food.
