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Chayote Challenge - Fail

Not everything works as intended on the farm.  In my post Chayote ChallengeI tried to use the rapid growing and spreading chayote to smother the blackberries on the farm.

I have monitored the Chayote's that I planted and have had zero success in them growing successfully.  Eaten by rabbits or simply scorched by the hot summer sun, I was unable to get them to grow to a stage that would start to overtake the blackberry.

So ... what next?  In the past I would have simply believed that this doesn't work and never try a second time; not now though.  We learn so much more from our failures than success and I have learned a lot through this exercise.

Some of the things I would do differently are: Plant in Spring, chose Chayote's that have already sprouted (apparently this is the done thing as not all grow by simply putting them in the earth), use temporary mesh to protect from rabbits and perhaps even water more regularly.
