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Homemade Chicken Feeder

I really wanted to share another idea on an easy to make chicken feeder that can be created from leftover guttering material. A few years ago I had a shed built on the farm and of course I didn't throw out any of the spare sheeting or gutter off cuts.

I cut a length of metal down pipe to about 1.2 meters.


I cut the center out with an angle cutter, while still leaving about 10 mm on each side.


The extra 10 mm on each side lets me fold it over to make a smooth edge.  This just helps to avoid any potential for the chickens to scratch themselves while they feed.


Once the first one is complete, make another exactly the same.


To join the two pieces of guttering, I used a drill and made 3mm holes and then used rivets to fasten them permanently.


I also used the off cuts I made earlier and riveted them to close off the ends of the trough.

Around 100mm in from each end, I drill a 5mm hole in the center wall and tie off some wire on one end.


Before fastening off the wire on the other end, I slide on a piece of irrigation pipe, this makes it more comfortable to handle, especially when full of feed!


It's a good idea to also add some electrical tape on any edges that feel a  rough.  This way it is a lot safer for the chickens and the carer too.


And here we are with the finished product.  I'm pretty happy with the end result and a feed trough like this will easily cater for over 100 chickens.  You could certainly make one smaller or larger for your own needs.