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Comfrey is a must have plant, in my humble opinion.  There are so many uses for this little wonder: medicinal uses to heal bone fractures, food for chickens, the wide deep green leaves can be chopped and soaked in water to make a valuable liquid fertiliser and on the list goes. 20130614-211717.jpg

Today I planted some comfrey around the base of some fruit trees.  This is the dormant time for the plant, although when the summer comes, the wide leaf will spread and shade the soil around the base of the tree, aiding in moisture retention and will essentially become a living mulch that dies back in the winter to break down and fertilise the soil.


The other key aspect I am looking to achieve here is bringing up nutrients deep in the soil.  Comfrey has a very deep tap root and this root will mine all the minerals deep in the soil and bring them up to the surface, where the fruit tree can then gain access to them.

A wonderful plant with many uses and one I would recommend you look into.