The Nobility Of Mobility
The intricate dance of moving animals about a property is a tough task to master, if indeed such a complex thing can be mastered. Herbivores followed by omnivores followed by rest - the chance of pathogen buildup is broken by the constant moving cycle that emulates a natural system. When we include climate variations, the whole system can at times feel overwhelming and I find myself wondering (especially during the hottest times of the year) am I doing enough? How can I make this better for the land and the animals?
Then sometimes nature steps in to lay a reassuring hand on your shoulder and give you encouragement.
Here is where our chickens were only seven days ago. To have such a flush of growth during the hot period is quite amazing given our area is quite dry by this time of year.
The beauty of this pursuit, I suppose, is that it is not meant to be mastered because there is no limit to what the natural world can be. Nature has been at it for billions of years and it develops still. For me a life dedicated to natural farming would be one well spent and what better pursuit than to give nature a helping hand with her task?