Value Add Chicken
The last couple of weeks have been exciting. Working with our friends James and Marcelle from The Meatroom located in Kilmore East, we have run a few experiments for value add products from our Pasture Raised Chickens - the results were amazing!
I thoroughly enjoyed the tarragon and cream sausages. Real sausages made form real meat and not leftover trim and heaven knows what else that are in store bought sausages.
Some of the chickens were butterflied out and then halved, this allows for even surface contact when cooking from a pan, hotplate or BBQ. Olive oil and lemon was used as one seasoning and tomato with thyme in the other. Neatly presented in vacuum sealed bags, these seasonings were really able to permeate through the chicken over the next two days.
I was lucky enough to get away for a couple of days with my family to celebrate my second wedding anniversary and we brought along some of these treats to try out.
In a word - AMAZING!
I think my favourite way to cook the butterflied chicken was on the BBQ. A few minutes on each side and then with the cover down, let it simmer until cooked through.
Eating good food is such a pleasure and you know you're onto something special when disappointment creeps in while you eat, knowing that the meal will have to end at some point.
We are in the early stages of these developments and depending on customer feedback and demand they may appear on the product list.
Will keep you all posted on the developments.