Veggie Garden Progress

I wanted to share the current progress on the vegetable beds - so far, we're looking good.

The pumpkins have really started to flourish.  To make the best use of the space available, I planted them on the perimeter of the raised garden bed.  That way, as the vine begins to spread, I can trail it out onto the grass; this allows more room for other things to grow inside the bed.

I have patiently kept an eye on my random scattering of seed experiment.  As can be seen in the above picture, the beetroot has happily sprouted next to the cantaloupe.  This is positive so far, but by no means a success just yet.  I will wait and see how they grow together. Out of the four varieties of seed I scattered, two have sprouted - the sweet basil and the beetroot.  Fingers crossed I get some lettuce and eggplant to!

The above photo is a more planned experiment.  Here Borllotti Bush Beans are growing next to corn.  Corn is a nitrogen hungry plant and beans are nitrogen fixing. It's my hope here that the corn will grow tall and provide light shade for the beans, and in turn, the beans will feed nitrogen to the corn.  Very excited and I cant wait to share the results - fingers crossed!