From Little Things, Big Things Grow

In just a few weeks, the little seeds I planted during the September 25th Post,  my little seedlings have sprouted.  Aren’t they beautiful! Baby Amish Tomatoes

Its amazing to think that in this small frame, there will be enough food to feed a family – it really makes me wonder.  With such natural wonders like this is the world, how do issues like world food shortages occur?

I'm particularly impressed at the rate of my Butternut Pumpkins below.

Given the great rate these seedlings are growing at, I will have about two to three weeks before I need to get the vegetables beds ready for transplanting.  I have also sorted the seeds I will be planting direct sow.  These include, lettuce, snow peas, beans, beetroot and also a wonderful Russian Sunflower that I will blog more on later.