Processing Day

I always feel a mix of emotions when it's time to harvest an animal. For the animal, it is the end of life and this is of course an unfortunate thing. I don't think it would be normal for a person not to feel some remorse and perhaps this emotion (for those more intimately connected to nature) keeps gluttony and over indulgence in check - an issue that seems to contribute to the ever increasing obesity rate of this country.

There is also a tremendous sense of pride on harvest day too. Pride for the natural life I have helped the animal lead and the regenerating effect it has had on the land through the natural way we farm. There is also the health and vitality this clean, nutrient-dense food brings to others. Care of the Earth and care of people: these are powerful ethics that drive what we do here at Life On The Land

We recently processed fifty of our Pasture Raised Chickens for family, friends and customers. It is always amazing to hear the wonderful feedback and also the photos of the amazing meals people have created in their kitchens with our produce.

