Homemade Water Cart

If there is one thing farmers can all relate to, its carrying things in buckets.  Buckets of feed, buckets of water, buckets within buckets so you have enough buckets to do a job. I am no exception to the rule.  While I have dreams of gravity fed waterlines spidering across the farm, it will take a few steps  in between before I reach that point.

Enter the water-sled.

The water-sled with tank

The whole design is essentially two long hardwood boards with their short sides making contact with the ground.  The cross boards stabilise the structure and make a platform for the water tank to rest on.  The timber border around the tank is there to hold the tank steady.


I finished off with some tie down ropes and drag chains that hook onto the back of the ute.  It was a nervous few moments when I used it for the first time, but it just glided along the grass without a hitch.


Now I have water available right next to the livestock.  While I'm still using buckets to fill the drinking reservoirs for the animals, I would much rather carry it for five meters instead of five hundred.